10 years+ in construction
Mailing address: Gayeshpur (near the cold store)
P.O-Muluck, P.S-Bolpur, Dist-Birbhum, West Bengal
Pin: 731204
Web: www.gngshield.com
Email: info@gngshield.com
Cell: 7001754989, 9647521547
Parental company Ghosh and Ghosh
Our story:
SHIELD is an architectural and civil engineering company that has been established to enhance the new era of ‘Golden Economy’ and to carry forward the great initiative taken by ‘Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)’.Our goal is always to support innovative and impactful economic development partnerships to improve the quality of living. The target is to set goals at multiple levels of the Golden Economy. It has been formed to increase the use of new technologies in the field of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
Shield is an architecture construction and civil engineering support center and is well known for its innovative research and development program. It has been formed with parental control of Ghosh and Ghosh. Shield got its independence management to expense over trade with quality itself.
Service areas:
Ø Architectural Drawing
Ø Estimation & Costing
Ø Structural Designing
Ø Building Construction and Project Management
Ø Material Testing
Ø Interior Designing & Decoration
Ø Renovation and Modification
Mission and vision:
SHIELD carry the basic mission and vision like all the peoples do to survive is currency and living. Our mission is Golden Economy and our vision is Green World.
Core Team:
We believe in teamwork through order to order what makes us significant in working areas with builders and consumers. We form a team within our employees on behalf of orders. Our teams included Architect, Structural Engineer, Geotechnical Engineer, Project Managers, Surveyor and Civil Engineers who dissolve with consumers organogram and turn out customer requirements.
Friendly with
Parental Company: Ghosh & Ghosh Construction